Diving Guide

Discover Bonaire's marine life! This is one of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world. Have you already obtained your diving license? Then you can choose from our guided dives.

*If you don't have a diving license yet, check out our Discover Diving page.

​​​​​​​Snorkel fotoshoot


​​​​​​​No diver, no problem. We offer a snorkel photo service.
We will send a photographer to meet you at a place of your choice.
After 1 hour of water time you will have an album with approximately 75 photos

Full Photoshoot


Heeft u een speciaal beeld in gedachten dat u graag wilt creëren?
Wilt u dat er meerdere duiken worden vastgelegd voor uw vrienden en familie? Boek een fotograaf voor meerdere duiken of een volledige ochtend.

​​​​​​​One diving photo shoot

$150 p.p.

Your very first diving experience? Want to celebrate that one special moment underwater? Make sure there is a photographer there to capture these special moments! some diving photo shoots

​​​​​​​Full photo shoot

​​​​​​​Price custom to the dive

​​​​​​​Do you have a special image in mind that you would like to create?
Do you want multiple dives recorded for your friends and family? Book a photographer for multiple dives or a full morning of photography


Bij annulering voor 48 uur krijgt u volledige restitutie. 

Bij annulering binnen 48 uur krijgt u 75% restitutie.

Our payment methods

  •  creditcard
  •  ideal
  •  sepa
Local time
The Netherlands